Stephen Carroll-Keene, Web Developer.

As fun as it is being mistaken for "Stephen King", I'm not an author and my last name is spelled "Keene". My journey into coding officially started when I attended Community College in the Fall of 2015. At the time, I majored in Computer Science as they didn't have a course geared towards Web Development and I mainly just wanted to get hands on with coding from someone who could show me the ropes in person. In my Fall semester of 2017 I had taken a Client-Side Scripting class and it completely fascinated me. I fell in love with Web Development as a whole so I switched gears knowing that's the direction I wanted to go.

I started investing my time into studying and ended up getting a scholarship from Google/Udacity for a 3-month online Front End Development course that spanned from January-March of 2018. Immediately after finishing the course I built this site, what better way to show that you learned something right? My work can be found on my GitHub and if you'd like to shoot me an email click here.
